Shared Amazon 100 books to read in a lifetime (part two)

Again, I’m going to highlight the books I’ve read and write a lil bit/ramble about them. 😊 34. Kitchen Confidential- Anthony Bourdain 35. Life After…Read More: Amazon 100 books to read in a lifetime (part two)

Shared Why Emotion is The Key to Great Blogging

We like to think of ourselves as rational beings. Intellectual curiosity took us to the moon and back, beat terrible diseases, and invented the …Read More: Why Emotion is The Key to Great Blogging

Writing Tips: 5 Ways to Avoid Self-Sabotaging Your Creative Process

As far back as I can remember, I’ve had a love of language and words and stories. But, like so many people, I get in my own way: Fear. Self-doubt. …Read More: Writing Tips: 5 Ways to Avoid Self-Sabotaging Your Creative Process

Shared 12 Tips for Overcoming ‘Publishing Anxiety’

You’re excited to finally get your work out there. But you’re also terrified.Read More: 12 Tips for Overcoming ‘Publishing Anxiety’

Shared 8 Tips for becoming a writer

This post is about my experience and some encouragement for you to become a writer. 1. Write everyday: A daily writing habit is thing number one …Read More: 8 Tips for becoming a writer

Exclusive What Is TSU Social Media?

[Subscribe to alltheeabove and use this exclusive banner for your promotion] Well a few years back there was a social media site called TSU that allowed any members the option to make money from their original content. Unfortunately, the story goes that hosting services could no longer be provided because there just was not enough … Continue reading Exclusive What Is TSU Social Media?